True You - Dating Bio Sessions
True You Sessions are designed to create storytelling images of individuals for dating profiles or personal editorials for historic keepsakes. The epitome of Lifestyle Photography - they are images of you engaged in the activities and environment that define who you are.
The cost is no different than Business or Talent headshots, they are just configured for the purpose of attracting a partner in life, vs an agent of your business. It is okay to choose non-dating headshot options, but PLEASE - tell me the purpose of their use, the expressions I watch for in business or talent, are not the same, (depending on the role of our actor-clients.)
The more honest you can be with me, the better success I can provide you at setting the tone of who you truly are … these first impressions are priceless!
If you’ve got the budget for a consulting service, good on you … it can help to ask for fashion advice and profile setup - that is not my lane. However, if you’ve got CHAT GPT… Try to describe yourself, what you like to do, how you like to spend your days, who your ideal partner is or what you’d like for them to know about you. While at it, fine tune your CHAT to ask for image descriptions etc.
My specialty is capturing authenticity. I know the area well-enough to make suggestions on where to capture the feedback you’ve developed via AI. NOTHING about my images is AI, not even the retouching) but it is a great tool to help you bounce ideas around, while it compiles your outline in a way you just can’t see from where you sit.
Since the pandemic, dating sites have surged in use as much as 700%, meaning it can be more difficult than ever to show up with “just another candid image.” These sessions are to create professional, stand-out images that will show your authentic self. They are for people with purposes much greater than “hooking up.”
Show your future partner “This is who I really am.” and not just a bunch of meaningless profile clicks that cost you excess time engaging the wrong people.
Your ideal person will be attracted to who you genuinely are, and what better way than with a custom-designed session that will define you before they consider reading the text of your profile.
Not for commercial or acting/talent portfolios - those are in headshot services
See details below samples and session options.
Sunny-weather session times book fast. Unless you need help deciding on a session, it’s best to reserve your session time. We can change the time if needed after your consultation. Booking links are below. Mornings are best for lighting. Ask about after-hours premiums. If you’re a night-owl, we should show that, beach-lover - let’s add that to your True You 25.
IMPORTANT: If you typo your email, you won’t receive a confirmation. If you don’t receive a confirmation my calendar will remain open to another booking (it’s happened … awkward…)
That extra 15 seconds can save you a great deal of time showing up without a confirmed appointment. I’m often working offsite and do my best to prevent those awkward phone calls from my locked door. : ^) Looking forward to working with you! - Brian
One of Nissa’s favorites from her True You 25 session (Full three hours was outdoor)
True You 25 - 1598.
A three hour session that allows you time for both studio and location options - or use it all at one location to increase our creative time. (we’ll sort those details during your free consultation)
Unlimited clothing choices at two unique locations. (Driving time reduces photography time.)
Includes all digitals plus your top 25 images retouched. (The best way to keep your profiles fresh with a great variety of images)
Retouched for incidental blemishes only to keep you looking real.
One of Brian Bradley’s favorites from his True You 12. (30 min indoor, the rest outdoor)
True You 12 - 1048.
This two hour session will allow you time for both studio and location options - or use it all at one location to increase our creative time. (we’ll sort those details during your free consultation)
Unlimited clothing choices, but usually tops out at around four outfits.
Includes all digitals plus your top 12 digital images retouched.
Retouched for incidental blemishes only to keep you looking real.
One of Graham (Sandy) Salisbury’s session favorites. He’s a musician, author & painter, but mostly - he is joyful. This defines True You.
True You Six - 698.
This one hour session will allow you time for studio indoor and/or studio outdoor options. (Near studio only)
2-3 clothing choices, depending on the mix of indoor/outdoor options.
Includes all digitals plus your top 6 retouched digital files.
Retouched for incidental blemishes only.
Why True You rather than a regular headshot session?..
After 25 years of creating professional headshots (never-mind thousands of high school seniors), experience has shown that most people don’t feel comfortable telling a strange-to-them photographer that their image goals include options for dating site profiles. Our basic headshot services can work, but if you let me know your goals in advance that this is your goal, you can get much more out of your session.
There is a big difference in these services. The images you want for attracting your ideal partner (or maybe just to mark and important milestone that defines your individuality) requires much more than one look on a flat background.
These images are to define who you are, for others to know you more fully. Showing them a range of expressions that convey who you are, that you are an authentic, relatable person. Creating a variety of professionally thought-out images will convey much more than your LinkedIn profile ever could. Business headshots are designed to attract business partners not to define deeper levels of your individuality.
While similar to “Talent” and/or “Modeling Portfolios” True You sessions are an entirely different creature. They are not to show what you’d like to portray, rather who you ARE … your energetic or vulnerable side ... athletic or spiritual.
Our public images have three seconds to catch enough attention for others to even consider reading your bio.
In the case of dating, especially beyond your 30’s, it takes several images to be convinced that this is who you truly are. Just like a great book it starts with a cover that will grab their attention, and then a few relatable chapters as your outline. If the chapters are congruent with the cover, you’re more likely to have a great date as you listen and share your stories, rather than regret your misperceptions of what one image said about them.
There are plenty of online resources to prove that this isn’t a “buy more photos” ploy. Look up the essential role of your limbic system, especially the amygdala. Before we can blink a decision is made about your cover to either fight or flight, run from perceived pain or that pang of pleasure that says - “okay, let’s see their other photos…”
Then we begin to filter through our greater concerns.
She’s beautiful, but is this really a recent photo?
He looks great in that jacket, but is he just another player with commitment issues?
They look confident, but so was that energy vampire I just left.
Great physique but does he/she spend all of their time in a mirror at the gym?
My specialty is capturing authentic, true-you expressions. Vibrant, authentic smiles as well as your calm, contemplative side.
In terms of dating profiles, these sessions are for people seeking meaningful relationships, rather than just eye candy for hookup sites.
People that have broken through the barricade of “striving for...” and truly certain of who they are. (And I can recommend some tools to help you define this if that sounds like an elusive goal)
The bottom line is, True You sessions must define who you genuinely are.
Once you book your consultation, I’ll send you an email with questions to help prime my creative pump so we get the most our of your consultation time.