We postponed this year’s family visit to New Zealand, freeing up these TWO … DAYS … ONLY at a time that might be your best chance to get everyone together. Your previews will be online by Christmas Day for you to order while everyone is together, from the comfort of your home(s).

NO ADD’L PURCHASES REQUIRED for these two options for up to five or nine subjects - in studio only. I’d rather stay off the road these two days!..

Limited availability to 9-pm - 12/23 & 12/24 ONLY!..

Award-winning photography of family portraits, IMHO, has not been as much about the science of my craft (lighting, composition and color), these things are all completely necessary before what I discovered to be the most important element… Psychology & timing. There is no luck about capturing a great image. A photographer must be technically ept, to have all of the above as muscle-memory. Doing so allows us to always be ready for dynamic backgrounds and multi-aged personalities when orchestrating toddlers, parents and pets.

Having people and groups for over 25 years has not exhausted me with static activity, it has enlivened me to have decades of technical skill ingrained in my subconscious so that I can be fully present to the personality of my subjects.

To focus on who they are and not just what they look like. THIS is why I say I’ll not let go of this craft until I lose my Vision. (or eyesight, whichever comes first.) My eyes are healthy and my Vision just keeps expanding - I do believe I found what I’ll do if/when I grow up. Don’t ask me how old I am, I’ll just tell you it’s a number. What I feel, however, is lit up about finding the perfect solution to my teenage coin toss on careers. Heads - Psychology, Tails - Photography.

The coin is forever dynamic because I have struck the balance. Add to that I get to keep the left hemisphere of my brain active and balanced with 360 product photography - far more technical, no less creative.

Book a portrait at Studio B Photography in Lake Oswego, Oregon.
Plan a portrait session in Portland at Studio B Photography
Download your digital files from Studio B Photography's latest family portrait in Lake Oswego, Oregon.

I never would have imagined that family portraits and Senior pictures would become the content of my professional awards, especially after some of my errors in my learning days (see story below about Senator Gordon Smith’s family.)

Having the eye of national judges was flattering, but the real rewards came after turning my focus to the experience of my clients. Competition served me well with the mechanics of my craft, but it was my deep dive into personal development and psychology that trained me to consistently direct several different personalities (and ages) into authentic smiles after posing them into complimentary form.

Just after winning the People’s Choice Award at our Oregon Professional Photographers of America annual convention in 2002, I stopped “competing” for trophies. I had been studying Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs which called my attention to how competition felt counter to creativity.

I decided at the awards ceremony that night to stay in the creative hemisphere of my brain, the side that led me to this craft to begin with. Though occasionally tempted to enter my work for kicks, I know that no award would compare to seeing my clients faces light up when they pick up their wall portraits. In essence, you are my new judge.



step-by-step instructions are Just below samples


Printed portrait orders may be picked up at the studio or drop-shipped to your home, allowing you just one visit for the whole process.



#1 - CHOOSE THE SESSION below that’s right for your personality, environment and portrait-sharing goals.

NOTE: Each session varies in time and purchase obligations. More time allows you variety of poses and/or settings.

#2 - Click the red “BOOK NOW” button located by each session type to see a live calendar and details for that session. Be sure you’re on the correct session calendar when you reserve. Retainers are required to hold your chosen session time and will apply to your completed session and/or order. In most cases they are 50% of the session package that you book or a $200 minimum. This is not an extra fee.

Cancellations within 72 hours are fully refundable or applied to a later date.

Less than 72 hours we’ll keep record of your credit for one year.

#3 - BOOK AN OPTIONAL CONSULTATION - Most questions we receive are answered by an auto-reply email from your initial booking.

CLICK HERE to schedule a pre-session consultation. *If you know which session you want, book that right away to guarantee your session time. We fill much faster in September through November.

If you have any questions about the terms that we use, “sessions, files, poses” etc. please visit HERE.

All prices subject to change without notice



If you don't see the time you want, book any time for the date you desire, and we'll move stuff around to make this work - or refund your retainer if we cannot make it. (Because session includes travel time, our booking tool will try to get us to end by 5pm, thus we appear unavailable when we might be able to adjust)

This two-hour session, allows for one location change (up to two locations) at the beach on weekdays, Monday - Saturday.
Time for multiple arrangements of larger groups, kids, pets or individuals. High School Seniors can be incorporated, but grad-only sessions are HERE.)
Time allows for one clothing options on 1-2 same-area settings (or whatever time allows)
Average 40+ options to order from.
Price includes Brian's travel and setup to Cannon Beach, Mt. Hood area or other locations by request. (within two hours one way)


30 Minutes inside or outside at our studio for up to 5 subjects.
Time allows for one clothing option on 1 background.

Average 10-20 images to order from.

Monday - Friday only, for Saturday Session, CLICK HERE:


60 Minutes inside or outside at our studio for up to 9 subjects (up to 15, add $10 per subject)

Great for larger groups, newborn, kids or small family. Allows time for multiple groupings and toddler melt-downs. : ^)

Usually time for one clothing option on 1-2 backgrounds or 2 outfits for quick-changers)

Average 25+ images to order from. (the bigger the group, the more we’ll take to assure 100% group satisfaction)

Monday - Friday ONLY, Saturday options, CLICK HERE:


60 minute, Location Session - (anywhere in Portland Metro) for up to 9 subjects (unlimited sizes, add $10 per subject)

Allows time for multiple arrangements of larger groups, kids or small family. Allows time for multiple groupings and toddler melt-downs. : ^)

Enough time for one clothing option on 1-2 same-area settings.

Average 25+ images to order from.
Price includes Brian's travel and setup.

Monday - Friday ONLY, Saturday options,



Great for holiday cards or special announcements. (plus $250 in CREDIT, enough for multiple digital files or printed images):

• 30 Minute indoor studio session for up to 5 subjects (add $10 per add'l subject)

• Great for couples & small families seeking images for holiday cards or other personal announcements.

• On average you’ll see about 20 images to order from. (after I’ve culled to your best)

• Multiple poses are welcome if you'd like couples, groupings or individuals

• Includes $250.00 CREDIT for your online purchase.

• Purchased files print up to 8x10 & include free Black & White versions as well as a branded, low-res web size for sharing online.

• NO ADDITIONAL PURCHASES REQUIRED with this option (all other sessions have purchase minimums)


• Each session includes portrait session fees (a.k.a. creation fee) that also covers production time to cull & color-correct your previews for online viewing.

• We do not have you return to order at the studio. ORDER ONLINE on your schedule from the convenience of your home, where all can participate without having to coordinate and schedule a second trip. (in most cases from multiple homes - ask about our “Share Favorites” feature to help you pool together a single order for better pricing.)

Session fees do not include printed portraits, those are sold separately in custom combinations designed by you! (not dictated by me or my lab) This is done by pre-payment of your session minimum on the day of your session. We then provide you with a DISCOUNT CODE that will deduct your pre-paid minimum. Ask about our 25% discount option when you arrive for your session.

• Calls are welcomed but our LIVE CALENDAR - BOOK NOW BUTTONS below will show you availability for each session type.

• Pick your session type and click the BOOK NOW button under that particular session. (each button is specific to the session's availability)


• Retainers are not extra fees, they reserve your time on our calendar and apply to completed sessions and/or orders.

Sessions vary in prices.

Prints & digital files sold separately (not included in session price except for our Annual Holiday Portraits

Purchase minimums are visible when you click on each session type.

`Most print and file prices are listed at base of this page.


What happens after your session…

Once your session is completed, you’ll see your previews online within 3 business days. (M-F)

1 - We back them up to both an external hard drive AND cloud server then cull them down to your best images per look and/or background with a simple rule of “if in doubt, I leave them in.” Nothing will hit the proverbial editing floor unless it’s an unflattering “no.”

2 - You’ll receive an email with an access link, password and instructions within 2-3 business days of your session.

#3 - ORDER


Thanks to the pandemic, online ordering became our new process. Not only can you set aside your fear of “up-sell” pressures (though never our way), but you’ve got 24/7 access and the ability to share worldwide with recipients of your purchases. No extra trip to the studio for viewing and we can drop-ship your orders unless you schedule to pick them up.

No surprises at the proverbial “sales appointment,” we let you do that from home after viewing most product prices here. Anything you don’t find, like Acrylic and other wall portrait prices - just ask.

Prices up-front, no surprises. All prices subject to change without notice, though we can lock in most prices for 14 days from the time we upload your initial previews.

1 - Pick your favorites by clicking the star icon. Take another pass at them deselecting or adding more to your favorites. It is MUCH easier to place your order from your favorites, so you’re only looking at your best contenders for minimum order (minimums vary by session type as seen with details when you book).

2 - Place your order online, deduct any prepay credits at checkout. If you choose “DIGITALS” they receive the same level of care as printed portraits. My professional artist (NOT AI, far more believable when done by a person) will retouch them before I prep for printing or file delivery.

RETOUCHING: We remove blemishes, dark lines, whitens eyes & teeth and any other “incidentals” while keeping you looking REAL - at no extra cost. (though we can do amazing things for $10 extra, like removing braces or unwanted objects from your favorite images)

DIGITALS: Having “all digital files” might sound like great bait, but we only deliver perfected images that reveal your favorite, purchased selections from several options.

If you purchase image-files for printing on your own, you will receive very detailed instructions via email once they are fully edited/retouched. Nothing is delivered until my amazing retouch artist applying her magic. Once she’s done, I adjust color for sRGB printing (the format retail labs use - NOT INK JET) Home printers are 4+ colors in the range of CMYK - they will not look like intended.

These prices (and more) are visible in your private image gallery.


Please keep in mind - I do a lot of off-site work. Drop-ins are not an option. You’ll be notified by email and/or phone when your images are ready to be picked up (unless you chose shipping or digitals only.)

Digital files are delivered via email so you can start sharing before your wall portraits arrive. If you order printed portraits from any of your poses, we’ll include a FREE THUMB DRIVE that can be picked up with your completed wall or desk portraits. The thumb drive will only include purchased (finished) images.

No need to call first if you BOOK A TIME TO PICK UP YOUR PRINTED IMAGES (and/or Thumb drive of purchased images)


While training with my portrait mentor, my first professional family portrait session was for then-Senator Gordon Smith. As a new photographer I had no idea how many years it would be before mastering the technical aspects, BEFORE I could be fully present for the next big phase - being an upbeat, multi-personality-balancing levity-inducing people-pleaser that knows how to tamp down discomforts for that 1/200th of a second [CLICK} to create a wall-worthy portrait.

Lou was every bit of that AND one of the most patient people I’d ever met.

We were shooting medium format film then, outsourcing the printing to a professional lab in Portland OR. In order to prepare an order for printing, that meant we had to “mask the negatives” by taping the individual 645 negative to a specific crop-mask so that the lab would print to our composition, not theirs. (creative controls even when outsourcing to a lab.)

The session went great, they returned to place a large order and Lou let me mask the negatives, including their 30x40, framed canvas wall portrait. I was nervous but he trusted me enough to only check the composition before mailing off the masked negatives.

The massive cardboard box sat unopened in his Pendleton studio for several hours, waiting for me to return and open it. He clearly wanted me to have that nervous-excitement experience of seeing the final result, and nervous was an understatement!

I opened the box, unwrapped the image and stood back to admire the most incredible family portrait I’d ever been part of, even though it was 99% under his supervision. The 1% was the most costly part [GULP].

My 70 yr. old teacher glanced at it from behind me, then stepped closer to the BIGGEST portrait I’d ever seen, turned toward me and calmly asked - “What do you think?”

“I think it looks incredible, can I frame it too?”

“When the time comes, sure, but for now - just ask yourself if anything looks off to you.” [SILENCE]

As I stared at it like a Hidden Pictures puzzle, he moved next to the side of the portrait to watch my face, then asked… “When they got married, what finger did they put their wedding rings on?..” I suddenly understood why he stood watching my face for that moment when I’d say…

“HOLY $#!+, emulsion to emulsion!..” (a rule I knew quite well from my BW printing days in school).

The emulsion (shiny or matte side of the paper) should face the downward facing emulsion of the film when in the enlarger. I mounted the negative upside-down, causing a mirror image of the family. Left hands appeared to be right hands, putting their wedding bands on the “divorced” side of their hands (at least as it symbolized at the time of the session). Mr. Smith parts his hair on the left, making it an even more obvious blunder had Lou not discovered it first.

I quickly grabbed the invoice from the box, looked at the cost and could suddenly hear my heart race between my ears. Despite the huge expense it would cost to reprint, his reaction was nothing more than an educational response that I have not-since forgotten - ask my kids. I used his two-word reply with equal stoicism while parenting our five kids.

Graphics and branding were not as much Lou’s priority, but there was a great reason why people came from a 45 minute radius around Pendleton - Lou knew portraiture!

He simply stated - “You’ll learn.” I knew then that I wanted to be like him when I got older.

One year later he offered me his studio for nothing more than a signature, even showing me the legal paperwork he had prepared. For fear of his family liquidating his assets “10 cents on the dollar” as he put it, he offered me a priceless sign of ultimate trust - His legacy!

His only two conditions for me signing into ownership was that I keep my plans to move to Portland for a couple of years, and to keep the studio in Pendleton. He knew I had another dream “in the big city”, and that I’d never be happy if I didn’t first go to explore.

In those two years I spent 13 mos. working at Zupans original grocery store in West Linn, before being fast-tracked into management with Fred Meyer. They moved me from Salem to Beaverton to Albany, which was where I stood to make my decision about returning to Pendleton. My ever-increasing paychecks, benefits and trajectory made the decision a tough one.

Fred’s had just put an apparel-only store in downtown Pendleton, just a few short blocks from the studio. I was already “Fred-ready” so they made me a closing PIC, allowing me my daytime to work in the studio. I leaned into marketing by joining the Lions Club (that was quite active fundraising during the rodeo) and the Pendleton Downtown Association where I was appointed liaison to the Pendleton Arts Council.

My high school art teacher read about my return for the venture and asked me to come speak to one of his classes (full of HS Seniors - which didn’t hurt…) I did everything I could to at least double the studio business so that I knew it could support me without costing him more. In the eight short months I stayed, we had a 300% increase over his pre-recession record.

Every day we’d share lunch as he educated me in light ratios, trained me on studio lighting and he sent me to professional photo seminars to learn from people he dubbed greater than he was.

One day I said “I just not sure I can see myself doing what you do, working in the studio all day. I prefer to shoot outdoors, like scenic images with more of a National Geographics/Ansel Adams vibe.”

With conviction he countered “But you’re great with people, you can be both. You just have to learn to pose people in those scenics and turn it into wall art for their home - I can teach you!”

With his training I was able to master what looked like natural light, allowing the colors of scenery to maintain a wall-decor vibrancy, without the fill-flash dominating the image. He once laughed at me when I said “I prefer only natural light.” as he educated me with “YOU NEED THE FILL [flash] TO SEE EYE COLOR!!!” (emphasis to represent his incantation that soon became mine. HA!)

Six months later I still felt like something was missing that I could not explain. I went to a nearby bookstore, bought and read “What Color is Your Parachute” to discover that I was more likely to “flourish” in Portland.

I declined his AMAZING offer which meant I would have to find another way to achieve my dream. First I had to move closer to the GREEN that I loved more than the rolling brown hills of Eastern Oregon. April of 1989 I made a couple of phone calls and landed a position as Nutrition Center Mgr at Fred Meyer (before it became Krogerized).

Before Lou passed away he asked me to meet up with him midway in Hood River to receive “a little something” he wanted me to have.

“You can barely talk without coughing, I’ll come to you.” His cancer became aggressive, so I wasted no time in returning to see him.

He gifted me a medium format camera and a number of portable lights that I would need to “do portraits your way” as he called it - shooting seniors and families outside.

12 years later I cashed in my 401k from Fred Meyer and took that leap. I opened my studio in 1996 with that gear and his postmortem reminders.

Over the past quarter century I made every single error that a budding photographer could make, all the while laughing as I’d hear his calm, wise voice reminding me - “You’ll learn.”

People like him don’t come along every day, but when they do - you know you’re in the presence of greatness. I am humbled and completely honored to have had his guidance, instruction, friendship and now convictions for the artistry of my craft.

By no surprise, he was right about having both. With today’s tech I’m able to operate a brick-n-mortar studio without being “stuck in the studio” since I have the luxury of doing both. He also taught me how to mend the marriage of an Oregon state senator.

God speed my Bears-loving Chicagoan!

It’s been a ride.