For over 25 years I have valued, stored and protected my client's negatives and image files.
High School seniors, kids, families, weddings and events - Chapters that warranted keepsakes worth investing in. Sessions and events that I captured on film from 1996 through 2005 when I fully committed to digital capture.
As my commercial services grew, the Prints Charming name felt less suitable for the big-name companies I began to serve. Adding Photo Media Productions worked great for that purpose, until the bipolar management of two brands was simplified into Studio B Photography.
However it is that you traded with me, the reason I've been safeguarding your memories through five location changes ... thanks to this important lesson from my portrait-artist mentor, Louis M. Ver Baere.
To see the surprise and joy in a client's eyes that they still had access to important memories has prevented me from adding up how much I've spent storing and moving these files over the years.
Thanks to my visibility on social media I have had both portrait and wedding orders from my clients of the 90's. That said, I've decided it is time to make this responsibility available to my clients.
If I was your portrait or wedding photographer between these two decades 1995 & 2015 (some exceptions may apply, such as minimum orders being met) I have an offer for you that is 50% OFF of what I've seen my more senior peers offer over the years.
Wedding negatives, and/or discs - $198.
Portrait session NEGATIVES (film) - $68.
If you would like me to manage the printing using my professional lab (vs. retail printer) I'll print them for 50% off on any size or medium (Metal, Acrylic, Canvas or our regular, archival papers) Some restrictions may apply - such as *Not available if minimum purchases were not met at time of service.” (Not that anyone who ghosted us would suddenly appear, but has to be said…)
In case you’ve never been in a newer one - it’s got a bit of a Matrix 2 vibe… Lights popping on as you walk toward the dark.
This offer may have me burning ruts, but I’ll be filling it back up with my Limited Edition boxes (they’re huge.)
AVAILABLE NOW - JUNE 21st (allowing me a few months for this to reach everyone possible via email or social media.
OFFER ENDS 6/22/23
**All files from 1995 - 2015 will be deleted this summer.**
If you, friends or family have used my services during those two decades, I appreciate you sharing this with them. I am sure that their future generations will be equally grateful.
I will CONTINUE to preserve all files created digitally. My digital archiving began in 2005, but mostly on discs that may soon fail. I will not be converting those to my cloud storage.
Just fill this out to the best of your knowledge and I will contact you once I am certain that your images/files are found.
The form below will be emailed to b@studiobpdx.com
I have a live calendar to book a time to pick them up or will add shipping when I invoice you for your order(s) - Likely to be MANY for those of you who purchased family plans in those years.
Newer sessions? - You can still order them HERE…