Alive and Clicking!..
Here's proof of our commitment to not annoy you with excessive emails!.. It's been a BUSY yet EXCITING few months that have had us pressing the shutter release more than the keypad...
A great deal of wonderful things have been happening, and here's just a few highlights...
1 - Brian made amends with his inner-author!..
Scroll this new Facebook wall for details until the new domain ( is completed. (sample image that got his word-maker going below...
2 - Civic Duty Calls!..
The last time Brian made a public comment that he "is not a networker", he received the annual "Rookie of The Year" award from his networkaholism at the Lake Oswego Chamber of Commerce. In fact, if you happen to call the LO Chamber tomorrow you might wonder why Sean sounds like Brian when answering the phone!
Well, guess what happened to him when he said he didn't have time to participate in any other organization!..
Ignore that "world of hell" subtitle. I was caught without my notes, and after spending the weekend tossing out no less than 50 options, that's the one that popped out. Guess we'll have to wait for the final draft to know...
3 - Somehow Brian has become "The Headshot Guy"
The very thing, in his first 10 years, he used to turn away - fearing it meant "church directory" - BLAH!.. Headshots, glamour shots, whatever you want to call these Persona-amplifying sessions, we do something a bit different here, and Brian finally caved into a gift for extracting the essence of your TRUE personality, and found these to be one of his favorite services.
In fact, we've served more than 100 of these sessions in the last 60 days - not including these Portland Rose Festival Princesses and Queens! (100th Queen Emma's Movie will be coming soon)
So what does Brian do, that garners all of the 5-star Yelp reviews?.. Here's the secret!...
Okay, it won't be a secret once you view his dorky video, but hopefully you'll find yourself in it.
We're great at replying to email, but the phone reservations book first. We advise calling when you know your ready.
Many I'd love to share, but this one... Well, see for yourself!
5 - Well, simply stated - WE ARE BUSY!.. (and very grateful for that!)
A video editor has been found amidst the 70+ responses we received, and admin help is on the way!..
Thank YOU for helping us with all of your kind referrals!
PLEASE CHECK OUT BRIAN'S WRITING BLOG TO THE RIGHT... We'd LOVE for you to "Like" the new writing page
He'll be posting more info about upcoming workshops there, and the official launch of a new series... Stay Tuned!