Pollyanna Price Reduction

I don't know about you, but I've discovered a great number of things to be grateful for in light of current affairs. In case you've been in a mad scramble, shopping, planning, setting up a home work station, I want to point out a few of those things that might've gone overlooked.

• SCIENCE - Scientists are getting a nice dose of extraordinary attention. I suspect that many of our millennial cohabitants are being enlightened about new, potential futures in how they can apply their "possibility" thinking, otherwise spent on games...

• FACETIME - I've had more REAL face-time with my kids since this let out, and despite being a barking parent at times - adjusting to new norms, I think it should be clear that we care about them and their exposure/safety.

• ESSENTIALS - I navigated (with countless adjustments) through 9/11, the "Great Recession", and more personally - the conversion from film to digital. Disruptions like these, help us to validate what is most important. Our personal freedoms, or the people we might affect by ignoring what science is telling us. Nothing like a virus to help us evaluate our priorities in life.

• POLLYANNA - Ah, my favorite!.. I've never experienced a single "bad" thing in my life, that didn't push me toward something even greater that I desired. I was mentally stunned during the '08/09 experience. Domestic turbulence/shift, a nightmarish real estate lawsuit (that took us 3.5 years to win - on paper, LOST in the time & energy. My creativity was zapped. I was mentally fatigued beyond discovering how I could serve people with my suffering business 12 years ago.

SHIFT HAPPENS! Really, really GREAT SHIFT! To those three experiences alone, even greater things have happened.

I am now in a marriage with someone that I now get to see even more (working from home editing as possible).

We declined an opportunity to fight a similar legal fight, knowing that it would cost us more to prove our righteous stance, than to just pay to make the problem go away. $14k for a new sewer line, caused by an illegal stunt, but our home has gained more than enough equity to make light of the cost, while freeing us to create and earn while not breaking even in court.

My mix of business services have been balanced to focus on things that many businesses need, even in times like this. GROWTH!..

Many people booking headshots to update their online resume (LinkedIn profiles)

• SPECIAL OFFERS (from services still open) PLEASE ACCEPT THIS OFFER of $50.00 OFF to soften the blow of your marketing expenses or portrait needs. You are NEVER ALONE, and we’re all in this together.

I hope that you too, are finding the silver linings to some extremely challenging times to many of our neighbors, friends and family.

Be well!

Brian GerathsComment