Welcome to the results of tenacity… Studio B was not a bankrolled business, instead pieced together over time with the loving support of countless, loyal clients who supported my vision … none more than the loving support of my Kiwi named Cathy.
Should you add your name to my email list - holding your breath between my “blasts” is not advised. Confession: Look at the dates between posts - that’s about how often I send email. True to my services, however, it’s nearly always fresh content. Something I highly recommend for your sites!.. (be it by way of my creation or your phone…)
5 Stages of a Wall-worthy Portrait
Prints Charming Photography's 5 Stages of a Portrait
Truth be told, it would be cheaper for you to run down to Costco, buy the latest DSLR Camera kit, employ your neighbor's kid with a $50 Starbucks card and poof!.. Cheap family portraits, ready to mail.
There's a REAL Queen at Prints Charming!..
Is the Prints Charming monarchy in turmoil? Since we hired the reigning Portland Rose Festival Queen Emma Waibel, there might very well be.
The REAL Cost of a Cheap Business Portrait
Business Portraits a.k.a. "Headshots" (not always for work) are much more involved these days than lighting, posing and background - there's actually a way to make money from them. It's the priceless content of an AUTHENTIC YOU!
2 - Minute Tips - Declutter For Health
Am I the only one that can completely obliterate my desktop's background picture in a matter of hours? Would an industrial engineer have you fired for "theft of time" as you spend HOURS per week, just so that you can find that file you're looking for?..
Alive and Clicking!..
Here's proof of our commitment to not annoy you with excessive emails!.. It's been a BUSY yet EXCITING few months that have had us pressing the shutter release more than the keypad...
A great deal of wonderful things have been happening, and here's just a few highlights...
1 - Brian made amends with his inner-author!..